S V Institute of Management, approved by AICTE, is the flagship institute of Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal, Kadi. Established in 2002, it is constituent college of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya (KSV), Gandhinagar.
The MBA programme is accredited by National Board of Accreditation and it is the first institute in Gujarat accredited by NBA. In the last thirteen years, the institute has achieved all the benchmarks in terms of Placements and University results and emerged as institute with brisk growth.
Alumni association and its spread across the state and in some Western countries give an extra edge to the institute for its prolific growth. From the year 2009, institute has increased the intake to 120 and from 2013, institute has started a new five year integrated programme named MAM (Masters in Applied Management), approved by AICTE, New Delhi.